What to expect from your Free Coaching Consultation

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Making the decision to explore life & business coaching is potentially a game-changer for helping you take a proactive step towards the results and goals you truly desire. So firstly, congratulations to you for either considering this or already booking your free coaching consultation. 
I thought it may be helpful to break down what it's for, what to expect and how to get the most out of your consult call. 
Whilst the consult has no fee, there is still an exchange of energy, time and effort as you're choosing to show up and explore this as an option to get support as you build your coaching business. The coaching partnership is a long-term commitment to change and it is important we meet first in order to ensure we feel great about working together and that coaching is right for you.
That's why I have created this blog to help you maximise our time together and find out what to expect so that you can come to a confident decision about whether you want to go all the way and make the investment in hiring me as your life coach. 
Scheduling a call is really simple, simply click the link here select a time, date and complete the form, and you will receive a confirmation link with the zoom access details straight to your inbox. 
What to expect
When you join the call you will meet me, your coach, and we will dive right in. The session normally covers three simple parts.
  1. What needs to change
The first part is an in-depth discussion to share what has led you to explore coaching in the first place and why you think coaching with me is the right fit for you. For some of my clients it's a mix of the strategic and energetic support to help them take the relevant, proactive steps in their business that will guarantee them results. For others, much of this is in place, and they enjoy having an intellectual and spiritual sparring partner to challenge their thinking in order to create faster, more joyful results.
This is the part where I invite you to be honest with yourself about what you are looking for, and where you will benefit most from support. 
2. What you want to achieve
The second part will be to share what you want to achieve through life and business coaching. Now, don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what that is and what that could look like - a significant part of the coaching experience is about helping you get crystal clear on your goals, desires and ambitions even if you don’t know what they are right now. We will still explore how much of a difference it could make to your starting and growing your business to make this change and why this is important to you to start now. 
3. Deciding on the coaching 
Finally, by this stage we will have had a deep and thorough conversation, and through that exploration, you will have a feel for what it will feel like to be heard and listened to by me. 
Next, we discuss the coaching itself, the cost and onboarding, and I answer any questions you have. Whilst all of this information is made available on the website it’s still important you get the chance to ask any questions you have. 
If it feels like a good fit I will say the words 'I would love to invite you to be my client'.
If want to think about it - no problem, come back ANYTIME, however I have personally found that we usually know either before or during the call, or within 24-48 hours if we want in.
So all I ask is that you update me either way within 48 hours via email.
What's next if it's a yes?
I send you a payment link unless you want to make one on the call we do so and I ask you to pay within 48 hours.
Once payment is confirmed you receive a welcome email with the calendly link to schedule your session CEO Strategy Session within the first 2 weeks and to complete an onboarding questionnaire so I can understand the detail of your business and life circumstances so we can hit the ground running together.
During your CEO Strategy Session I help you decide on your one priority offer, and from there we identify your first 30 day goals as well as commit to the overall aim of our time together. We will also decide your price, client and marketing strategy so that you can hit the ground running, knowing exactly what your strategic and energetic priorities are as we begin the coaching together.
Most importantly we treat the beginning of the journey as a fresh start to you creating the life and business you truly desire. Exciting!
Why do I call coaching an investment?
Coaching is an investment of your time, energy and money and more importantly, an investment in yourself, your future, your goals and your mental wellbeing.
Investments refer to things that have the opportunity to appreciate or gain value over time - such as property. However, the greatest investment you can ever make is in yourself. Whilst you are always aging, you may not always be growing and your mindset, habits and emotions may not always be making you as successful, purposeful or happy as you could be. I always say, you are not building your coaching business to create another version of your 9to5. Coaching is a rare type of business that truly thrives when you as the coach, owner and CEO is thriving too. If that isn’t an investment, I’m not really sure what is.
When you invest in yourself through life coaching with me, not only do you see radical shifts in how you think, feel and make decisions in your business, 9to5 and life, you also learn the tools to maintain this long after the coaching completes, although many of my clients choose to renew. 
How can I get the most out of the coaching consultation?
To get the most out of your call and your time I invite you to do a few things;
  1. Try a visualization
Visualize (imagine) how you would like to feel when you know it’s the right decision to go ahead with the coaching. When I invest in a coach that feels right I often feel a delicious mix of certainty, excitement and ‘oh my gosh, I’m really doing this!’ even when the investment feels a little scary. I remember I am investing in the version of me in 4 months time, not as the version of me today. 
2. Discuss it with your partner 
But Pamella, I’m paying for this with my own money why do I need to check my investments with other people? Everyone is different, and in my experience, it’s very common for people with partners to want to discuss their decision to invest in their business, especially if it’s their first time. Help your partner or significant other see why you are exploring coaching, and why you think it’s worth the investment before the call. They will usually want what is best for you, and give you their blessing based on your certainty, so ultimately you get to decide what that looks like. If you don’t have a partner, or if you do and you are an agent of your own money anyway, then that is great. I still encourage you to deeply consider why you want to invest in this coaching, in yourself and in your business before the call.
I make all of my pricing transparent and available on the website so there are no surprises when we get to this part. However you are the one making this decision and that is why it is incredibly powerful to consider this before the call so that you don't waste your and my own time, and on the call you can focus on making sure you are confident it will give you what you need. 
3. Prepare
If you have any questions you want to ask before you join the call, then I highly encourage you write them down and bring them with you, because if you are anything like me you will forget as soon you join the call!
I also recommend having a read through the website, the testimonials page which can be found here, and see a bit about my background in the about section here. Details about THRIVE, including relevant testimonials, client wins, the coure breakdown and one of my key philosophies can be found here, That way we can use the time on the call to focus on you.
 4. Relax
Coaching is a powerful, transformative and life-changing experience. It is an opportunity to change the trajectory of your life and business in a way that lights you up and makes you feel alive again. There is a reason every high-performing CEO, entrepreneur, olympian and sportsman have their own coach. I am delighted at how accessible coaching has become and that it’s something you are exploring. I truly wish the things you learn in coaching were taught in the basic school curriculum, but alas, we are some way to go there yet.
Coaching isn’t a one-off event, it’s a long-term commitment to change and that’s why each coaching engagement starts at 4 months. It means you don’t leave as the same person as you started. 
Ever since becoming a coach, I have had a coach and whilst the sessions can be deep, emotional and transformative, they are also one of the things I look forward to most every single week. Why? Because I know I get a whole hour each week to focus purely on me, my fears, frustrations, worries and also my goals, dreams, celebrations, breakthroughs, and to set clear and aligned action steps. It's invaluable and to me an essential part of my well-being, performance, success and joy in life and business.
Whilst I know for you this may feel like taking a leap into the unknown, it is my pride and joy to be able to provide a world-class coaching experience as you decide to commit to making this change in your life. That experience starts from the consultation even if you decide not to take it further. So whilst I know you may be a little nervous, please know it is perfectly normal and you will be cared for throughout the consultation and beyond if you decide to make this investment. 
To schedule a consultation to explore life and business mindset coaching click here
Already have a call booked in? I can’t wait to meet you!
Your coach,

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