The Exit Plan SNEAK PEEK - 5 Key Drivers

9to5 exit plan


Video Transcript


Introduction to the Five Key Drivers

I’m going to give you a quick introduction to the five key drivers so you know what’s going to be involved in this program in more detail. The five key drivers are, in no particular order: your context, your self-concept, your finances, the decision-makers, and, of course, your emotions.

These five key drivers are what contribute to the bigger picture of you being in this transitionary period of knowing that you’re in a nine-to-five that you won’t be in for much longer, because you’re moving into your coaching business.


Key Driver #1 - Context

Context is really important because the context of your circumstances is unique compared to any other coach that you see. One of the big issues in the coaching world is that we so readily compare ourselves, but we’re not actually accurately considering our own unique context.

Context is about you being in full acceptance and full embrace of your current situation and individual circumstances. It’s about making the right decisions for you—not for anyone else, not based on what you see other people doing, or even what you see me doing.

This is about helping you lay the foundation of what you’re here to create, why you want to create it, and what your current circumstances are. This will allow you to understand all the factors that will massively contribute to your exit plan and ensure you’re making the right decisions for your life.


Key Driver #2 - Self-Concept

Self-concept is about how you are showing up and who you are being, both in your nine-to-five and in your business. Right now, you have a very solid identity in the career and job title that you’ve always been in. But you’re expanding into what’s possible for you and what you desire with your vision of the coaching business.

However, when we’re plugged into these ideals and seeing others showing us what we *could* be, we can end up with a bit of disconnection in our self-concept. We mistake proximity for similarity, thinking that being around successful people means we’re already at that level. But proximity alone doesn’t give us an accurate reflection of our own self-concept.

This self-concept piece is essential because it will set you up to transition smoothly when you go full-time. It ensures that going full-time won’t be a shock to the system because you’ll have already done the self-concept work that prepares you for what comes next.


Key Driver #3 - Finances

I’ve developed a risk tolerance calculator that will determine how long you might want to stay in the nine-to-five, how much financial security you need, and what your financial circumstances might look like when you go full-time. It’s going to show you, in literal black and white on an Excel spreadsheet (I promise, it’s the only Excel sheet in the program), where you stand financially.

Based on your risk tolerance and the financial data you plug in, you’ll get clear insights into what kind of financial circumstances you might be walking into when you transition full-time. We’ll also dive into the mindset around finances—looking at your risk tolerance, the actual math, and what needs to shift mentally as you prepare to make the leap.


Key Driver #4 - Decision Makers

We don’t operate in a bubble. We have loved ones, family, colleagues, and bosses, and even if we don’t have direct people influencing us, we still live in a world where other people’s perceptions impact us.

This section is about owning your story and knowing how to navigate the discussions you need to have with the people who matter. It’s also about handling discussions with people who *don’t* matter—those whose opinions we sometimes validate unnecessarily. You’ll learn how to approach these conversations while keeping the power and responsibility over your life choices, even if those choices impact others.


Key Driver #5 - Emotions

This is one of the most important sections. We’re going to address the common emotions that come up when you’re thinking about leaving a nine-to-five. Emotions can affect your ability to stay consistent, show up, and handle yourself in the workplace without draining the energy and resources you’re reserving for your business.

Yes, you have limitless potential, but we also live within a limited physical body with a certain threshold of capacity. Your capacity will grow over time, but knowing how to navigate your current emotions is a skill that will help you manage everything life throws your way.

We’ll cover specific scenarios, such as the decision to leave, handing in your notice, and the days when you feel like quitting. You’ll gain the tools to handle these emotional experiences, no matter how long your transition period takes.


 Coaching Through the Transition

Finally, you’ll have access to live and recorded coaching sessions, where we’ll address real-life scenarios and help you navigate the unique challenges that come up while you’re building your business around your nine-to-five.

I’m excited to dive into this with you.


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