Book a free consult

Create the foundations to replace your corporate salary and become the Soul-Led CEO of your Life and Business with intimate 1:1 coaching and mentorship.

Book your consult HERE

You're here because you are SO ready to:


Replace your corporate salary with Life Coaching

and finally be your own boss, never having to ask for leave, or choose between a promotion or being there for your family.

Create a life that exceeds everything you thought possible

because you have become the woman who dares to go for what she deeply desires and make it happen for herself.

 Reach your full potential and become the woman you know you are capable of being

with the grace, compassion and confidence to handle anything life, 9to5 and business throws at you.

Work with clients who create massive transformations with your services

who feel expansive and nourishing to work with, who love to pay you, and recognise the value you bring.

Create a simple, clear and aligned business strategy to make that happen

even when you have a busy life and 9to5, because where you are going is not just about you living a life of fulfillment, and purpose it's about your family and the impact you are here to create.

"Working with Pamella for the last six months has been absolutely transformative.

100% go for it. If you are in a 9-5 and struggling with balancing everything, and with your self-belief, then it will change your life!"

Roz Bacon, Life Coach

Maybe you can relate...


You are a Life Coach who delivers GREAT results for the clients you have, you absolutely love to coach and you know you have found your calling...


But you feel like you should be further along already; you have so many ideas yet you're not sure how to start. In truth you know you want and are capable of so much more. If only you knew what to do and how best to approach it...

When you're coaching the magic seems to flow through you and you have so much experience and wisdom to share.

Yet, you're scrolling and seeing your peers do better than you, you sometimes question what you have to say or how to say it, and you feel behind even though you're investing in yourself. It's the day to day moments of self doubt, procrastinating and comparisonitis you sometimes struggle with know you need to clean up.
You know about the power of manifestation but something seems to be missing or you would just be there already.... 

You're great at your day job, and it's what you have known for so long, but it's not who you are anymore and you can feel your identity is shifting.

You wish you could just quit your 9to5 yet it's not as simple as that, you have an established career, responsibilities, bills and it's not like you can just leave but you feel like you're living to identities.
Or maybe you did leave, and you're 'all-in' but now you feel exhausted, despite all the time and freedom you feel the pressure to make money and quantum leap already.
Either way, it's like you're stuck between a rock and hard a place. You're not fully clear on what showing up fully really means for you or if you're doing enough of the right things... 

When you're driven, inspired and motivated it's great. But you're relying too much on the high vibes to keep the momentum and you want to see more clients and money coming in.

You're fed up of feeling this way, didn't get this far to only get this far, and it's putting you on an emotional rollercoaster.
You're ready to do the work, show up and do what it takes, even if that means meeting your edges because you know creating £3-£5k months doesn't happen by staying comfortable.

"The transformation I have felt these last few months - in both my career and in life - is truly indescribable.


It's not a question of if, it's a matter of when.... 

Four months from now, picture waking up feeling excited, energised and ready. You're actively selling an offer you love, to soul clients who can't wait to pay you. 

You are operating as the CEO of your life and business.


You love what you do and it feels clear, simple and doable. Your loved ones can see a shift in you, and you can feel it within. 

Your business acumen has skyrocketed and you're no longer guessing based off Instagram posts, you're actually fully set up and running as a real business. Anytime life or business gets hard you know how to come back home to yourself, and lead yourself like the boss you are. 

You're ALL-IN, no matter your circumstances, you're enjoying your business, living your purpose and have the foundations in place to create £3-£5k months with sustainability.

I want this!

"Working with Pamella was incredible....

She is very skilled at picking up on things that I didn’t even know I was saying and then challenging me on it to really give me what I needed."

Katie V

"She has also helped me build a sustainable business"

She has also helped me build a sustainable business, which means for me I can keep doing what I'm doing and I'm here for the long run, and not just get through the first year of my business, because I want this to be a long journey."

Aitana Forcen, Life Coach

Let me guess...

What’s keeping you up at night is the stress of making money without being stuck on Instagram all day. You're questioning what you're doing and if it's ever going to work. 

Right now your current day-to-day is so full on, that it feels like you need to sacrifice your sleep, fun or precious family time to show up for your business because you're 'always on'. If you're already full time, you're working ALL day with nothing to show for it.

Everytime you receive another teams ping from your 9to5 a bit more of your soul dies inside and you daydream about just quitting already. If you're already full time you're fantasising about the 9to5 not being so bad, and wondering if you should go back.

The conversations with your loved ones are supportive but you can tell they don't really believe you can make this work and you avoid talking about it.

The voice inside of your head is telling you 'if she can, I can', but there is no clear plan to make it happen, you've got the scripts, templates and you know exactly how that 7fig coach made her millions, but doing it for yourself feels hard.

The idea of stepping into your higher self feels amazing, but there are blocks that you just can't seem to get passed on your own. 

When you are in your biz, you feel stuck, comparisonitis, overwhelmed and exhausted, like something is holding you back.


You know how badly you want it, you love to coach, and you know this is who you are now, but what’s missing right now is the accountability, strategy, mindset and tailored, intimate high-touch support from a coach who has been in your shoes and see you in your power to help you get there.


Hi, I’m Pamella...


I built this container for you because I was you. I knew I wanted for my life and when I found coaching, something just clicked. But the transition from my previous corporate career identity into a business owner? Figuring out how and when to leave my 9to5? Building my coaching mastery, learning how to marketing and sell, and develop my CEO self concept? There was no one who could truly help me make the biggest transition of my life so far.

I went from earning a comfortable (near) 6 figure salary and managing millions, yes millions in revenue for someone else to daring to believe I could create, even a portion of that by myself, for myself.

 Now I have truly created a life I cannot wait to get out of bed for. Now, it's my joy and mission to help you live out your purpose and build your dream coaching business once and for all with integrity, authenticity and purpose at it's soul. Creating £3-£5k months can be simple, and doesn't take all day.

You did not start this business to create another version of your 9to5.

You can do this, just as each client I have worked with found their unique way and stepped into their own. Together, I will show you how....



Introducing THRIVE, the 1:1 program that will help you create £3-£5k months through soul-led, aligned and practical business coaching and mentorship.


In THRIVE you receive 1:1 coaching each week as well in between session support to help you watch your thoughts and move through your emotions in a healthy, productive and empowered way so you can call those dream clients and get paid as a life coach.

My approach to coaching is both spiritual and pragmatic, ethereal and action based, gentle yet empowering and all designed to show you your power and actually guide you to building a soul-aligned, heart centred and authentic business and life.


Let's turn those dreams into reality. Vision boards on Pintrest get you so far, but what about the roadmap to actually create them?

The FIRST thing we do is identify what you want to achieve in the greater long term vision and within the context of the container so you know exactly what you are aiming for and what success looks like when you get there. 

Powerful Coaching & Mentorship

I Coach first and Mentor Second, because the best way is always YOUR way, even if you can't see what is yet, I help you find it. This means overcoming the big blocks and the little ones, so you can take small, doable and simple daily actions that compound to big results.

Week to week we connect, activate, elevate and empower through powerful questions which mean I pick up your blind spots, connect the dots  and invite a new way of thinking. 


So that when you set goals, you actually achieve them in a way that feels aligned and authentic to you. 

Accountability is so much more than me checking in to see your progress, it's building the awareness and agency to have your own back too. Yes I guide you, not into co-dependency, but into being the kind of woman who knows what she wants, and goes after it because waiting around for it fall on her lap hasn't been working. 



We celebrate the small wins and the BIG. My clients often say 'I know you'll get it where no one else will, but THIS happened...'.

Your results are not a fluke. We don't just celebrate, we analyse, anchor then refine what worked so so you can replicate it and let it become a natural part of who you are so you can repeat it again and again. 


To grow we must heal. I truly believe for any success to last it must be built on the foundation of safety and personal power. 

The foundations must be strong, and your foundations are rooted in in your beliefs, your inner child and the history of what makes you, you.  It's not about living in the past, it's about using the learning from the past to allow us to show up fully as we are today, in order to build our future dreams. 


Sometimes, you will come to session just wanting to get shit done. If so, we do that. There's thinking about it, healing around it, believing in yourself to get started, then, there's doing it.

Whether it's strategy, tactics, next steps, planning or deciding, refining, or getting feedback on messaging, or  evaluating a consult you will know exactly WHAT and HOW to take steps in your business, 9to5 and life that feel clear, authentic and aligned. 

It's time...

 To go from Employee >> to >> CEO Mindset.

From 'can I really do this?' >> to >> 'It's happening, it's working!'.

From disempowered comparisonitis, self doubt and second guessing >> to >> empowered decision making, failing forward and sustainable, enjoyable, soul-centred growth. 

 From 'I'm THIS close to just quitting the career to go all-in and hope for the best' >> to >> 'I'm already ALL-IN and leaving the 9to5 is optional.'. 

Tap here to view Sliding Scale Pricing

"Ultimately I discovered my purpose and mission in life and I'm so grateful for her.

I would highly recommend Pamella’s coaching services! I’m now taking steps to start my own business, and I have the confidence to do so knowing that it’s my purpose. I’m so grateful for Pamella and the thoughtfulness and respect she gave during my sessions."

Katie N

What's included....

CEO Strategy Session Kick Off

🚀 In this 2 hour deep dive, we refine your offer, set game-changing goals, and work through mindset blocks. Get ready to start strong and move forward in deep alignment with what the kind of business you really want to build.

Coaching & Mentorship

🌟 Be fully supported so you can handle everything business and life is inviting you to work through. This alone is where most of the magic is. Includes weekly 1:1's, plus Voxer support over 4months.

Monthly Goal & Alignment Check-ins 

🎯 Monthly check-ins ensure you're on track for success, celebrating wins, and overcoming hurdles, all in alignment with your unique journey and timeline and keeping accountable to the goals you set yourself.


📈 Your website and social media are about to get a glow-up! Get personal audits on your platforms, ensuring you're speaking to your soul clients. Access to weekly copy support guarantees your message is magnetic and irresistible, resonating with your audience.

THRIVE 2.0 online course

🌐 Master the essential business strategies and energetic uplevels so that you know exactly how to create clients. THRIVE equips you with the tools and wisdom to not just survive but flourish whilst you build a business that feels authentic and SO you.

Unlock the VAULT


🔐  Gain access to past workshops like "Craft your Irresistible Offer" and "Your Success Leaves Clues workshop" for when you need a motivational bump. New material is added throughout the year.


Tap to see Sliding Scale Pricing options:


Show me!

"My coaching experience with Pamella has been so liberating and has provided me with the space and the confidence to explore aspects of my life and business that I was afraid to address."

Viv - Business Owner

I feel like I have a business. I have a clear target client. I have a clearer communication strategy and I feel confident about charging for what I do!

Pamella is an honest, empathetic, supportive coach who asks the tough questions because she has your best interest in mind, and at the end of each session you’ll feel a confident business owner!

Alexia P - Life Coach

Master TWO simple philosophies that will set yourself up for sustainable success whether it's your first client or 100th.



Making aligned, soul-led decisions in your life, 9to5 and business is the first step.

There is no room for trying to be something or someone you're not, or doing it because you should. No success was ever made through indecision and standing still. It's time to stop procrastinating, doubting and second guessing your offer, niche, price, strategy, when to quit or what to do.

As the CEO of your life, 9to5 and coaching business, you develop your CEO self concept  through decision making. This is exactly how the business section is laid out and why we kick off the container with a 2 hour Strategy Session. This is an opportunity for you to make the key decisions, around offer, price, client and strategy.

The best decisions are made from the soul. You will be making decisions from a soul-led place as that is the only way to create a soul-centred business & success that truly feels like you. 



Now your key decisions have been made, now, the work is to execute using a simple 3 part system. Experiment, evaluate and refine. 

This is how a soul-led CEO grows. Not by changing it up, burning it all to the ground, creating new offers and giving up on strategies, but by trusting their soul-led decisions, desires and vision and failing forward. 

During our time together you will experience the inevitable ups and downs of life, 9to5 and business, and seeing a decision through, giving it a chance to work, and growing throughout the process is a fundamental part to sustainable success. 

Hustle happens when you think you don't have time. Inside THRIVE you will experience what it's like to fully trust, decide and execute on your desires. 

So it's no longer a question of if, it's a matter of when you start seeing results, you will know exactly how you created it and how to do it on repeat. 

"I just want to say a huge thank you to Pamella for the huge support she has given me over the Thrive program.

 If you're struggling to build your dream coaching business and juggling the 9to5, you do not need to struggle, with Pamella's support you can absolutely build it your way and tap into the resources you have available, waiting inside you."

Theresa Holden, Life Coach

"Her calm approach and wide-ranging knowledge made me feel at ease and safe to share my story with her, without any fear of judgement."


Here's what's inside THRIVE 2.0, the online portal to give you the foundational tools, resources and philosophies to start and grow your soul-led Life Coaching Business...

(But first, watch this video for a sneak peak!)


Here's what's inside the portal...

Section 1:
CEO Embodiment

4 Powerful Modules, divided into 11 bitesize trainings.

All designed to support you in levelling up as the soul-led CEO of your business & life so you can become an empowered decision maker, take aligned and massive action even on  your busiest days, and to equip you to handle anything that life, business or 9to5 throws at you. 

Module 2:

6 Essential Modules, divided into over 40 bitesize trainings on the following areas:

1. Purpose Pathway - To deeply connect to your mission, vision and purpose.

2. Offer Creation and Price - Finally resolve the niche drama and be ALL-IN on an offer & price you love.

3. Expansion Events - The new 'freebie' that actually creates ready-to-buy clients.

4. Messaging Mastery - For as long as you have a business you will be marketing and selling. Here you learn exactly how.

5. Consults that Convert - Because knowing how to support someone to invest with you is how you set your containers up for success. 

6. Systems that Support - Because you don't want to get lost in busy work, you just want to coach.

Module 3


2 Simple and Powerful modules divided into 6 bitesize trainings.


Includes the 3 part - How to Quit your 9to5 process that I personally designed and multiple clients have used to prepare financially for leaving the 9to5 to go full time into coaching. 


"When I had my consultation call with Pamella, I just knew right away I wanted to work with her. Pamella is someone who holds space for you, who you can laugh with and who will also give you a gentle yet needed reality check."


THRIVE is for you if...


You are someone who believe ALL types of love and identities are welcome and that Black Lives Matter. If this is not something you believe in wholeheartedly then I am not the coach for you. 

You are a coach, lightworker, healer or witch and business owner with a 9to5 or are thinking about going back into one.

You are ready to show up and commit to the work, the resources and the tools available to you. 

You know this isn't about me telling you to follow my plan to create my results, but that we work together to identify the dreams and goals you want to you create and the path you will take to get there. 

You see this as a co-creation and a partnership. There is no hierarchy and I am not your guru. What that means is that when I share timeless, foundational business practices they are for you to implement and adapt to your own. In so doing I will always coach you first and mentor your second, and show you how your intuition, wisdom and deep inner knowing always knows what's best. 

You want to create a life you love and just know you deserve more, but the fears creep in...

"Am I good enough?"
"Is this really for someone like me?"
"Why am I not there already!?"

 At your core you believe you deserve more from this one precious life than playing small and not going for what you really desire. It's just a case of figuring out how to get there...

You know the change doesn't happen because of something or someone out there handing it to them, but that opportunity is created from within. 

You are willing to feel, and what that means is you acknowledge it can get emotional, uncomfortable and that doing this kind of work means facing your fears and building greater self love, self trust, resilience and inner strength for it. 

You know that making this kind of change means having some skin in the game, and that means investing in yourself.

You are NOT currently experiencing severe clinically untreated mental health challenges (suicidality, untreated bipolar disorder, untreated schizophrenia, untreated depression).

You know that you can maybe figure it out alone, but having someone to give you the aligned strategy to get there, the accountability to stay on track, the mindset to keep going and cheerleading to achieve it with uncapped support, means getting there faster and with far more ease.  

This is literally me - let's go!

"Working with Pamella for the last six months has been absolutely transformative.

When we started I was feeling hopeful but it still felt very much like a side hustle or a hobby!

She has held me, supported me but also challenged me and pushed me to grow.

Her wisdom, warmth and experience shine through every coaching session.

I genuinely believe I wouldn't be where I am today in my business and my 9-5 without her."

What's changed since you started THRIVE?

"Where to start! Tangibly loads has changed:

  • I've gone to four days a week
  • I've got way more revenue coming in
  • Mostly I actually feel like a real coach now. Like that's who I am!
  • And I believe in myself more and trust that it's all going to work out." 

What did you like about Pamella's coaching style?

"I had to adjust to start off with because she coaches first, mentors second and that was new to me.

But actually it was just what I needed at this point in my business.

She also really helped me to tackle any mindset challenges that I had along the way with kindness and warmth, but also encouraging me to be the best version of myself!

I've also learned to celebrate every win, big and small which I wasn't doing before properly!"

What would you say to someone who is thinking about investing in Coaching with Pamella?

"100% go for it. If you are in a 9-5 and struggling with balancing everything, and with your self-belief, then it will change your life!"


Discover more about Roz's journey and transformation in the Build your Coaching Business Podcast, where we discussed her transition to part time, overcoming the guilt of building your coaching business with a 9to5, and so much more. Tap HERE to listen on your favourite platform.


Roz Bacon, Life Coach


Q. I've already purchased other courses and mentors and/or therapy - will I still benefit from 1:1 coaching?

A. Great question!

Yes, many of my clients have enrolled in programmes to upskill and are actively investing in themselves in many different ways including having other mentors and other programs.

1:1 Coaching with me is integrative, meaning you use the tools, knowledge and experience you bring to refine and elevate your efforts so you can start creating £3 - £5k months in your business.

With 1:1 coaching you get daily support to actually implement and feel confident every step of the way.

Don't take my word for it:

"It is the first time I feel that coaching/therapy/external help is actually going to help. I am looking forward to our journey together. I will go through the journaling questions and we can discuss further in our next session." Aitana 

Read this blog to see how I describe the core difference between Therapy and Coaching here

Inner work, knowledge and training is one thing, embodiment, integration and execution is another.


Q. Can I just purchase? Why the consult?

A. I hear you. In 1:1 coaching we go deep, and it's important that we meet so I am sure you will benefit from this container.

Equally, I put a lot of energy into each of my clients and given the nature of this work, it's essential we connect first and are mutually confident you are a right fit for the program, committed to your transformation, and that we will work effectively together, as this experience only works if you are 100% committed.

Your consult call is free, we schedule 60 minutes.

Whether it's to help you feel confident this is the right step forward, or to meet and pay, then use the rest of our time to connect is entirely up to you.

Consults are always no obligation calls, and my aim is to understand about you and your business & 9to5 goals and challenges, and to see if we are a good fit.

Your aim is to feel confident about your decision, no matter what you decide.

Schedule your consult here.

Q. Do I have to know my niche to join THRIVE?

A. Nope, you are not required to have a niche or know your niche to make it a success.

I have supported a range of coaches some with a niche, some who are general life coaches. 

In the very first session, the CEO Strategy Session we will be deciding on who you serve and how you serve them. Regardless of you choosing a niche or not, you will have the clarity after our first session to be on your way to creating paid clients as a life coach. 

Q. How do I know this container will be a success for me?

A. My clients make it a success because we define WHAT would make it a success on our very first call and I ensure we stay on track towards creating that. There is also a midway opportunity for you to check in and be sure you are on track. 

No more wish lists and perfect day exercises left forgotten, we set tangible goals, and create clear action to go after it. With 1:1 there is no scrambling around online or feeling like a number in a big group or dealing with the fear of being vulnerable and only having a short amount of time to get your most urgent question answered on a call or in a Facebook group.

1:1 is for the Coach who is truly serious about getting their business off the ground, doing it their way and to stop being the best-kept secret in coaching.

We go deep into your business, dreams and goals and I keep you focused, aligned and on track to reach them. There really is no better support like 1:1.

Q. I'm worried if now is the right time?

A. Important question.

If you are truly concerned that you cannot carve the time or now is not the right time, then this container isn't suitable for you yet.

Here is the truth. Building a coaching business takes time, skill, energy and commitment, all of which are incredibly simple, teachable and can be adapted to suit your unique set of circumstances on your personal time line. My clients find that time flies by, because they don't just get business coaching, they are getting life coaching too.

My clients desire accountability but they are already 100% committed to creating their own results. They understand there will always be excuses that life, 9to5 and unexpected events will get in the way, because they already have full and busy lives. Simply, who doesn't.

Yet, I cannot want this more than you, as ultimately this is your business and your priority.

My clients are 100% ready to commit to the coaching, training and implementation required to build their coaching business. The reason they choose THRIVE is to help them create their results faster, with more simplicity, confidence and high level support and they are 100% committed to their business dreams anyway.

There is absolutely no problem and no judgement if you know you don't fit that criteria yet. When you are ready, you are welcome back here anytime.

If you are reading this and you know you are ready, that this level of support feels expansive and exactly what you want to grow your business, then book you consult here.

Q. What can I expect on the consult?

A. Great question. 

I wrote a blog post about it here.

To summarise:

Time: 60 minutes
Scheduled: via calendly
Content: We discuss, your current situation, business goals (don't worry if you haven't defined them yet) what you want to achieve and how I will get you there. If it feels like a good fit I will say the words 'I would love to invite you to be my client'.

Logistics: I re-confirm the pricing based on your selection in the consult form and you decide if you wish to go ahead. If you want to think about it - no problem, come back ANYTIME, however I have personally found that we usually know either before or during the call, or within 24-48 hours if we want in. 

What's next if it's a yes?
I send you a payment link unless you want to make one on the call, and I ask you to pay within 48 hours. Once payment is confirmed you receive a welcome email with the Calendly link to schedule your CEO power session within the first 2 weeks.

Most importantly we treat the beginning of the journey as a fresh start and fresh approach to you creating the life and business you know you're capable of.

Sound good? If so, schedule your consult here

Sliding Scale Pricing Options


I care about making Coaching affordable. That's why I introduced sliding scale pricing to make it more equitable for you to invest in your coaching business based on your current circumstances.

How it works:
When you book your consult you will be asked to select your correct investment, and if during our call we mutually agree that your joining Thrive is a great fit, you will simply be invited to join at the price you selected. No questions, justifications or evidence asked.
Why it works:
Sliding scale pricing relies on truthfulness, integrity and trust, which is the basis of all of my coaching partnerships. No matter what price you select, you get access to exactly the same support. This was inspired by the Green Bottle Model from Worts + Cunning and Simone Grace Seol. You can also learn more on my podcast about how it works and why I implemented it. 
What are the options? 
Read the information below to identify your correct price before booking your consult. If you have any questions you are welcome to ask them on your free consult too. PIF and Payment Plan options are available for all.
Please note that the pricing is reflective of 4 months together.
Next step: 
Select the appropriate price below:


This is the full and true price of the program. This is for you if:

  • I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs

  • My basic needs are comfortably met

  • I own my home or property OR I rent a higher-end property

  • I own or lease a car

  • I am employed or do not need to work to meet my needs

  • I have access to financial savings

  • I have regular access to health care

  • I have expendable income

  • I can always buy new items

  • I can afford an annual vacation or take time off







This price is for you if:

  • I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them

  • I may have debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs

  • I own my home or property OR I rent a property

  • I own or lease a car

  • I am employed or have access to some financial savings

  • I have access to health care

  • I have some expendable income

  • I am able to buy some new items & I thrift others

  • I can take a vacation annually or every few years without heavy financial burden






Full Scholarship

Limited Availability*. This is for you if:

  • I frequently stress about meeting basic needs & don’t always achieve them

  • I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs

  • I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing

  • I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but I am not always able to afford gas

  • I am unemployed or underemployed

  • I qualify for government assistance including food stamps & health care

  • I have no access to savings

  • I have no or very limited expendable income

  • I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them

  • I cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden

* Scholarship options are provided twice per year and are discretionary. Please book your consult to discuss. If a scholarship is currently unavailable there is a waitlist.

The next step is to book your consult below:

Select a time that suits you: 

I can't wait to connect with you. Here's a summary of what will happen during our call. We'll openly, with love and without judgement explore:
  • Where you are right now in your business 
  • What you want to achieve and what you're doing to get there
  • What kind of support you need and are looking for to achieve £3-£5k months
  • If Thrive sounds like a great fit with mutual interest, I will invite you to join and you can decide, without expectation or pressure if this is the right step for you.
Book here

"She has also helped me build a sustainable business"

"Hello, I am Aitana and I am a Life Coach, I have been working with Pamella for almost 2 years now. We started working together when she was a career Coach and I was very lost in my career and then I transitioned into her Thrive program when I decided a life coach was my calling...


During the last 6 months Pamella has helped me to develop a strong business owner mindset.

This has helped me step into my power and show up on social media and have a business strategy and marketing. One of the things that is very important for me is to balance the 9to5 and my business, as sometimes I was feeling very overwhelmed having to do so many things and hating my job so much.

With her help I was able to balance my energy, and dedicate my energy in the right way. 



She has also helped me build a sustainable business, which means for me I can keep doing what I'm doing and I'm here for the long run, and not just get through the first year of my business, because I want this to be a long journey.

If you are undecided I would definitely recommend working with Pamella because she will give you the perfect plan and the perfect steps for you to start building your business."

Aitana Forcen, Life Coach

"I just want to say a huge thank you to Pamella for the huge support she has given me over the Thrive program.


I signed up because I was really struggling to start my coaching business while working my 9to5.

I spent a lot of time thinking I never had time to post, and didn't feel all-in either. I felt fed-up and guilty for not working on my business whilst I was in my corporate job, and lost and stuck when I was working on my business.

I felt completely overwhelmed with all the different advice out there and was overwhelmed and stuck.

Then I came across Pamella's content and she spoke about all the things I was struggling and I was really reassured she had been there and I could definitely learn from her. 


With Pamella I worked on mindset, what I wanted from my business. and general life stuff that just gets in the way. 

  • I went from feeling  overwhelmed to feeling grateful for my corporate role and how it supports me to build my future and business.
  • It gave me the courage to go for and get a new 9to5 within my organisation, one that will support me even more as I grow my business and where I can utilise my coaching skills within my role.
  • I got really clear on who I serve and what type of coach I am and what I offer.
  • With Pamella's support I've tried new things, got clear on my message and made the strategic decisions I wasn't even able to make around my offer and pricing before. 
  • Not only that I gained my first paid client and a host of new tools to help me execute, review and keep moving forward.
  • Best of all I trust my decisions, I know what feels good for me and it is my business and it gets to be simple.



Whilst I was originally worried about it being a 6 month investment, it was absolutely the right thing to do.

I had a major wobble just after the midway point, I wouldn't have recovered so quickly and learn how to support myself better.

If you're struggling to build your dream coaching business and juggling the 9to5, you do not need to struggle, with Pamella's support you can absolutely build it your way and tap into the resources you have available, waiting inside you."

Theresa Holden, Life Coach

"The coaching was excellent, the program content was excellent, and the growth I experienced is life-changing and invaluable.


Pamella's an amazing listener, asks brilliant and provocative questions, and always tries to keep you accountable to yourself and your stated desires. That said, these weren't my favorite things about her coaching and her coaching style... 

What I love the most is how very supported she's always made me feel, how utterly adaptable she is in order to make sure that my (wildly unpredictable and constantly-shifting needs) are met, and her ability to effortlessly shift between the highly practical/tactical and the abstract/ethereal.

I wouldn't have been able to have this journey with someone who wasn't as vast a person and capable a coach as she was. So grateful!

I also got a lot of clarity and experienced massive transformation, though they don't look ANYTHING like what I'd expected. I didn't bargain for the form that the transformation and clarity would take.

Working with Pamella is an absolutely amazing investment and I have zero regrets... if you are thinking about investing with Pamella she absolutely can help you gain clarity around your business plus support you with anything else that comes up along the way."


Elaina M - Life Coach

"Pamella has been one of the best business investments I have made."

"When I first joined Thrive, I was very early on in my business and I had been quite burnt by traditional marketing advice and business advice that I was getting through the courses that I signed up with other people. A lot of it felt quite overwhelming and also it didn't feel like me and I didn't think I was cut out for it. It felt quite icky in my body. And I just stumbled onto Pamella's Instagram page and instantly I felt drawn in with her messaging and about who she was and how she conducted the business.

It felt very human to me. It felt very safe to my nervous system. It also felt very aligned to who I was and what I believed in as a human being. And that's when I knew that Pamella was someone that I wanted to work with.



I feel safe to be around Pamella. Like I know that I can say what I want to say and it will be met with openness and respect and, dialogue rather than being shut down and told to follow a template or, you know, some well-defined business strategies.

With Pamella, it's not a one-size-fits-all she really cares about you as a person. She really cares about what goes on in your head and in your heart. And she helps you bring that out through your business. And I think that's the most beautiful part about working with Pamella.

What's happening now in my business that wasn't happening before is I'm actually not hustling anymore.

It gets to a point where if you're so plugged into hustling all the time, you It just defeats the purpose of having your own business and creating the life that you want to live. So I have stopped hustling and I have started to make my business a part of my life It's it's not a separate thing from me anymore. 

It's very much a part of my life and it feels safe and it feels an expression of me an extension of me and rather than something that I have to use as a tool to generate money so that I can go on and live my life. 

The beautiful thing about Pamella is that she's come from a corporate world, so she understands what it's like to think like a corporate person.

So you're not going to be explaining your mindset to someone who has never worked in a corporate setting. Pamella will get you from the get-go and she'll also show you how to get to where you want to be.

Pamella has been one of the best business investments I have made. I was in Thrive 1 and I've just renewed for a second round of Thrive because I think that is what my business needs. It is what I need.

And I can actually see myself working with Pamella for a very long time."

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