Are you 'good enough' to be a successful life coach?

The fear of not being enough is one of the most universal limiting beliefs that all people have in some flavor. So it's normal to question if you are 'good enough' to be a successful life coach.
However, what shouldn't be normalised is staying in the fear, because it's holding you back from making the clients, money and impact you are capable of. The fear is keeping you stuck in your 9to5 too, so it's time to break the habit and smell the roses.
You ARE good enough to be a successful life coach
When you're in my world, I advocate for the highest possible version of you. Not a future self version, or the 6 fig CEO version of you, just YOU, as you are, now.
Because, what if that is enough?
What if everything you are right now, in this moment was exactly all you need to make the clients you want to make in your business?
If you really believed that how would you show up today? What would you do in your business that will move the needle?
When I work with clients who are building their business around the 9to5, they don't need to fake it till they make it and pretend they are something they are not.
Focus on your clients and the people you could help
What they need is someone who sees the magic of who they are, right now, and to activate it. To help them clear the BS that get's in their way from finally recording that video or creating that offer, or writing a CTA. Because it's never just about the damn CTA. They are literally a few words 'I can help you. Book here.' They are so un-interesting it's laughable.
What isn't laughable is you feeling stuck in a job getting in the way of you being all-in on your business because you're so drained at the end of the day.
What isn't laughable is another week going by when you feel unseen, unsupported and that you have no idea where the next client is coming from.
Most of all, what is not a laughing matter is all the people who are waiting for you to show up and help them who are left stuck in their cycles too, when they could be paying you to help them and loving the fact they get to make a valuable change in their life.
Focus on what you ARE, not what you are NOT
No matter what is happening in 9to5, life or business, you, as you are right now is exactly enough to get dream clients.
If you're struggling to believe that or see how, then it's time to seriously consider investing in me as your business and life coach. Click here to read how you can guarantee your success when hiring a life coach.
If you believe it but now you're asking - then what? You are seeking strategic support and I help you with that too.
THRIVE was created for you. To help you build your coaching business around the 9to5. To step up and step OUT as all of who you are, right now, with an offer and strategy you can actually get behind even with the 9to5.
Find out more information here, Coach.
Your coach