How to get clients

Getting clients is not about what you do.
It's how you think and feel when you DO what you do to create money.
In fact, it's everything. Because it literally doesn't matter what you do to make money.
By that I mean, you could be on IG, doing FB ads, or youtube videos, good old guerilla marketing or even a coaching booth at your local farmers market (like literally!).
The reason it works for some people but not for everyone is not rocket science.
Social media, booking a room and inviting people to come is so far from rocket science it's actually laughable.
(But also kind of awesome because it means ANYONE has the potential to succeed) but if that's the case, why don't they?
Well let me tell you about Becky - she is a self-love coach who recently got certified and has been coaching for free for quite a few months now. She knows she gets results because her clients always seem really happy after a session. She posts on Tik Tok and is finally getting used to showing face on camera and even puts her message out there in FB groups, giving really valuable advise when people are asking for help.
Sounds pretty good right?
Yeah, I thought so too, what she's doing sounds awesome. Not rocket science. Simple, effective.
But what we don't see, (and what we often don't realise when we're in it) is her energy.
What do I mean by energy?
Literally the thoughts in your head, and how it feels in your body.
So when Becky creates a tiktok, she is so focused on finding a trending audio and getting the timing right, that after 40 minutes of way too long on the retakes and don't even get her started on the damn captions, she feels drained. This quite frankly is the last thing she needs after a long day in the 9to5.
What this isn't is the energy of someone who is feeling really confident in themselves, that 'damn, someone is going to hear this today!' and it could really help them because you know they need to hear this. Finishing the day spent, but satisfied in the best of ways. 
The previous one feels like... obligation.
The second one feels like... service.
Can you feel the difference in energy?
Notice also how it's NOT about being high vibe - whatever high vibe means (does anyone else literally picture some stepford house wife in pigtails? hit reply and let me know lol).
I am saying that being of service, being in confidence and having strong intrinsic self value and self authority is how you make it work (or get clients as they say), no matter what your strategy. 
Because it's never the strategy.
It's you.
I help my clients go from obligation to service as they build their business around the 9to5.
As well as the 1:1 coaching with me as your coach and mentor as you take aligned action on your strategy of choice, there are also extensive trainings that will teach you how to embody a new way of thinking and being that will make you money in your coaching business.
Trainings such as:
Intangible vs tangible results - so you know how to find the evidence that it's working even before the clients come.
Soul client journey - as you decide how your clients will find you, and work with you so you can focus the next 6 months on simply showing up for them.
Putting yourself out there - the energy behind what you need to think and feel in order to show show up and be visible without wasting time or feeling burnt out at the end of your efforts. many many more.
It's time to take everything you already know, and everything you are, and make it work for you, so that you can finally, really build your coaching business around the 9to5 in 2023.
Schedule your free consult here.
I can't wait to meet you coach,
Your coach,
ps. Inside the 1:1 container you receive:
Kick off with a CEO power session
2 hour 1:1 intensive to get crystal clear on your offer, marketing strategy and goals for the next 12 months.
6 months 1:1 coaching
Weekly 60 min sessions + in between support to execute on your plan and coach on anything life, 9to5 and biz throws at you
Access to THRIVE online
For tools, resources and philosophies to develop your CEO mindset and get all the biz fundamentals.
Current pricing - £1800, pay in full.
Schedule your consult here.
pps. the very title of this email: How to get clients, will be discussed another day.
Watch this space.

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  • The real reasons why coaches struggle to sign clients—and how to shift out of it immediately.
  • A step-by-step breakdown of the personal and business foundations you need for consistent success.
  • The Soul-Led System—a simple, no-BS process to create money and impact without burnout.
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