Are you a perfectionist? Read this

9to5 business mindset
Perfectionist woman close up

Are you a perfectionist?

Have you ever been told to focus on 'progress' instead?
This could be costing you...
Progress is the wrong goal.


The cost of perfectionism in your coaching business

This is what happened for me...
Progress felt like working towards something sure, but what? Improvement has me coming from somewhere.
This is everything because I realised the best way to achieve my goals was by looking at how I improved from previous efforts and then taking a step from exactly where I am.
Progress had me asking
  • 'what do I do now?'
  • 'where do I go from here?'
  • 'What's next?'
  • 'what should I say?'
This is where I used to find myself feeling lost, not enough, that the answer is somewhere else and constantly looking at her magic wondering how she did it, which also taught me nothing about myself.
When you feel this way, you are less likely to show up in your coaching business, if you do, your energy is likely to be off, and your clients can tell. Otherwise, you would have the results you really want already - such as an overflow of soul clients, and the revenue to justify leaving your 9to5. 

Instead of perfection, aim for improvement...

What if, you aimed for improvement instead?

When you're time-bound, building your coaching business around the 9to5, the questions listed above are draining.

You cannot afford to be stuck in the perfection or progress cycle, because you're leaving money on the table.
Improvement will help you shift the energy, and ironically, progress to where you are actually heading, because it focuses you on what you need now.
When I shifted to improvement it had me asking:
  • 'who am I thinking about as I write this post?'
  • 'is this in my client journey?'
  • 'what could I do differently?'
  • 'if I fully trusted that my soul clients are waiting for me right now, how would I really say this?'
The result is improvement, not perfection, because what is perfection anyway? Aiming for perfection is suddenly non-sensical because every self-professed perfectionist knows it doesn't exist.
Instead by aiming for improvement, you create more direct, more empowered, more trusting, more impactful CEO moves, every step of the way.
The result?
You create a soul-led business your way.

Starting and growing your coaching business get's  to feel great

This is exactly how I created my soul-led coaching business helping coaches start and grow their own soul-led coaching business around the 9to5. You can find out more about THRIVE here.
I know exactly how I got here, I work with the MOST incredible humans, and I take 100% responsibility for my results, failures and growth.
It feels aligned, purposeful, soul-led and I know, if I constantly aim for improvement I will constantly improve....
Over to you coach. F**k progress. Let's get you focused, and on track, creating a business you deeply desire.
So what could you prioritise on improving today?
Found this blog post helpful? Drop me a DM on Instagram and let me know! If you enjoyed this article you will love this Executive Contributor blog post I wrote for Brainz magazine on Tony Robins journaling prompts to beat procrastination in your coaching business.  

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