A love letter

Thank you for being brave and choosing a path less traveled, a path less understood.

Thank you for trusting in yourself even when it felt hard or difficult.

Thank you for investing in yourself and taking the time to ask for help, for working through the fears and doubts that were borrowed from years of conditioning and beliefs that weren't actually serving you, even though they were trying to keep you safe.

Thank you for the people I have met along the way, who have put their faith in working with me, whether that's as my client or coach.

Thank you to the friendships who weren't meant forever, and for the friends, old and new who are.

Thank you for always remembering to connect with your higher self even in the darkest moment, and thank you to my higher self for always being there even when I didn't believe and when I was so wrapped up in my own despair.

Thank you to my inner child for always being so sweet, kind and quiet, and my inner teen for standing up for herself fiercely, even to those she loves the most.

Thank you to my inner desire, for there is a fire inside me I will never truly understand, but will always nurture and adore.

Thank you for this journey, for this life and for this beautiful body I call my home.

There are more countries to travel to, more tattoos to design, more foods to taste, more depths to explore as we journey ever deeper within.

I'm so here for it, flaws and all.

You were born into this life, this body, this generation for a reason.

If not you then who?

We've got this.

Thank you, I love you.


Employee to CEO

The Workshop

For the ALL-IN Soul-Led Life Coach who wants to be, and stay full-time in their coaching practice with paying clients this year.

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1:1 coaching for the ALL-IN life coach.


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