The 4 month Mastermind for the Life Coach who is so ready to create 1:1 soul-clients. 

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You're here because you're ready to DECIDE. 

You're here because you're SO ready to:

  • create 1:1 soul-clients that feel easeful and nourishing and get PAID for it
  • have a simple offer that you feel confident, clear and excited about selling 
  • start and keep marketing and selling, so you can show up powerfully and authentically with a focus on creating and calling in people who get you, want what you have to offer and are ready and willing to PAY you
  • build your business whilst honouring your time, energy and capacity
  • feel confident and clear about what you actually need to do to create clients in your business day to day
  • masterfully handle the rollercoaster of inevitable emotions in entrepreneurship
  • create and execute the plan to leave or stay out of your 9to5
  • see testimonials flow in that show you are making a real difference
  • own your unique and authentic voice and power and stepping out of your comfort zone
  • know you are worthy, capable and it shows in your marketing, coaching and selling
  • have FUN, creating from alignment 
  • connect to a community of women on a similar journey moving towards a shared direction supporting each other
  • learn and take action ONLY on what you need to make money, create soul clients and love your business and WHO you are when you're in it...


You're committed. Life Coaching is who you are meant to BE, what you are meant to DO.

It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of WHEN. 


Coach, you're in the right place. 


When I am with my clients I am like their olive-skinned, fairy-godmother who escaped the Corporate London grind and swapped office high heels for bare footed beach walks in tropical North Queensland, Australia.
I see the beauty and potential in all my clients, I help them bridge the gap with spirituality and reality, and offer soul-led business practices that reflect the life you're creating whilst honouring the life you have. The true magic comes from them, so that when midnight comes, they know how to keep their magic alive, and to honour their humanity when it waivers.
When I am communicating with my clients I am like a voice of truth and reason yet I'm the first to show you I'm no fairy godmother; I'm just a woman, just like them who goes after and creates her dreams like an eagle to prey, and teaches you how to catch yours too. I never hesitate to share my own story, my struggles or anecdotes that will help. I keep it real, grounded, pragmatic and easy to implement, so you can take my methods and turn them into your own so that you create business that feels SO you.  
When I came into coaching, it was because I had a deep passion and existential curiosity about figuring out my purpose, and in coming from a HR and recruiting career, I was secretly helping others find theirs too. So when my Career Change Coaching attracted coach after coach who wanted to step into their purpose and transition out of the corporate identity they felt trapped by, it felt like home.
I do this for me, for my future children, for my family, and for you, for the family, life and communities you have and are part of and want to create. This work matters and the world needs more life coaches. This, You, are my WHY.  
So, Welcome, I am so glad you are here. Keep reading on, because I know if you made it this far then this invitation to join The Mastermind is for you. 

It's time to turn your expensive hobby into a real, thriving business...


Be honest with yourself here. Do you find yourself having 5 or more of the following thoughts:
  • Where TF do I start?
  • Can I really do this?
  • How do I get clients?
  • Is this the best platform for me?
  • When should / can I quit my 9to5?
  • How do I stay out of my 9to5?
  • I need money coming in.
  • I'm so ready for this.
  • What's wrong with me?
  • Is this even working?
  • What's the point of posting if no one is going to see this.
  • What must they be thinking.
  • I shouldn't share this.
  • Can I really say this?
  • Who am I to share this?
  • I don't have enough social proof/testimonials
  • How am I going to manage with my coaching business ontop of everything else?
  • What systems do I need?
  • Am I doing enough/am I enough?
  • I just want to coach!
If it feels like I'm in your head it's because I am.
I have been in your shoes.
I support my 1:1 clients every day with these exact thoughts, mindsets and challenges, and now with this new Mastermind, I'm supporting you with it too. 
I'm here for the ALL-IN life coach who knows all-in is a mindset, not an action.
I'm here to help you develop the critical sales and business fundamentals in strategy, and mindset so that you can start and grow the business you know you are capable of. 
It's about learning WHAT to do, and WHO to be, so THAT you show up and WHEN you do, it's with more IMPACT, PURPOSE and AUTHENTICITY to who you really are, because that's the only way to create soul-aligned clients in a repeatable, sustainable and joyful way. 


It’s time to embrace the Soul-Led Coaching Business Owner you know you are becoming. 

Your career success got you this far, now it's time to harness everything that got you here and to step fully into the world of coaching business ownership, without the guess work, unnecessary busy-ness or leaving the 9to5 too soon.



The Mastermind

Go from Employee to CEO in your life and business

This 4 month Mastermind is designed so that you:

  • Learn how to manage the rollercoaster of entrepreneurial emotions that come with business building even if you feel so new to this.
  • Build fundamental, non-negotiable business skills in selling and marketing so that you never again question what to do day to day to create clients even if you've never been paid yet in  your business. 
  • Show up in a way that honours your time, energy and capacity even if you can't or don't want to work full time in your biz yet. 
  • Step into your CEO Embodiment; which means, having your back no matter what, moving through your emotions and challenges like a pro, and knowing whether to show up when you don't feel like it even when life get's hard or busy sometimes.
  • Call in soul-clients, who get you, want your transformation and who nourish you to work with even if you don't know who that is yet.
  • Sell powerfully whether you market online or in person in a way that feels true, authentic and clearly shows your people how you help and how to work with you without sounding salesy even if getting visible still feels a little scary.
  • Creating a clear financial plan to leave or stay out of the 9to5 even though you know it will take some time to put it into action.

Sound good?

What you'll learn...

1. Business Fundamentals


We map out your one priority offer, your revenue goals and how you will achieve them. We strategize WHAT you will do, then set out a simple, doable plan for you to make it happen.

Never goes a day when you don't know what to do or prioritise in your biz again.

2. The Employee to CEO Shift


Now it's time to take what you're doing to the next level and deepen your embodiment of WHO you need to become and WHY.

Here you refine how you show up, continue to shift the beliefs that will have inevitably shown up as you take action and step into the CEO you are becoming.

3. Life, Biz integration


Making your business fit into your already busy life is not about hustle and overwork, but conscious choices, better boundaries, a stronger mindset and deep self love and self belief.

Your business isn't a tagalong, getting the breadcrumbs of your energy, it's a priority that needs to be fully integrated and made space for. 

What you embody...

Value #1: Grounded Expansion

Grounded Expansion is where we play in the realms of staying true to our current circumstances, season and truths, and yet, allowing ourselves to grow, expand and reach beyond what we really imagine is possible.
It's about letting who we are, what we desire and what calls to us be exactly enough. To find trust in our own wings because we know we were meant to fly.

Value #2 Powerful Belonging

Is choosing to bring us closer to ourselves, our communities, our business, our choices, desires, needs and wants. Bringing our belonging to the rooms we choose to show up in and creating belonging for the people who choose to come into our world.
It means trusting in our voice, our message, our coaching and that the people around us really, truly get us.
We're no longer here to people please, we're building a business that reflects us inside and out, that speaks to our truth is the only way to create a soul-led business that feels like home.


Value #3 Audacious Belief

Means daring to want more and to believe you are worthy of it. To be willing to feel everything and letting it be there as you double down on your dreams and dare to make them a reality.
It means becoming your own best client, your own best coach and your own guru, leaning into your power, your own magic and your own self mastery. 
To do the uncomfortable thing and take very uncomfortable action, not just in our business, but in who we are being day to day. To harness strength you barely believe you have, and let it surprise you again and again, because this is the woman you have decided to become. 


By January 2024

When the Mastermind concludes, you will be...

...actively selling life coaching, working with clients who love to work with you, you'll have a clear and practical plan for making your coaching business your primary form of income, and you will be crystal clear on what to do every day to coaching grow your business from the roots up, in a way that is truly YOU.

When someone asks you how business is going, you will be full of confidence and pride to answer them even if you're having a slow month.

When you show up every day in your business, you'll be clear and confident about what to do and what to say even when you're short on time. 

When life get's hard, as it does, you will have a deeper level of self love, self trust and practical, simple tools to navigate them even when the temptation to buckle to old patterns is tempting.

When 2024 comes, what took me 1 year to figure out alone will take you just a few weeks to learn and 3-4 months to embody and implement because you are supported, guided and held accountable. 

The Format


1. Weekly transformative group coaching - 90 minute sessions, recorded.
Here I will be sharing a teaching or exercise and together, with my coaching and mentorship you will get to work and implement so  that which each session you are actively growing and implementing. 
2. Work-day Group Voxer Coaching.
Voxer is like whatsapp or messenger. Here you can share your wins, breakthrough moments, and questions for coaching. 
This allows for support in between sessions to implement so you never have to wait for a session to get support.
3. Access to THRIVE online - the online business, 9to5 and life portal with over 40 trainings to teach you the fundamentals business.
Come back to in your own time, at your own pace.
4. Access to the VAULT - which includes previous masterclasses and workshops no longer publicly available.
5. Duration - 18 weeks (2 week break over Christmas)
6. Capacity - 12 MAX

"The female collective consciousness connection was on on fire!!! The depth and breadth of closing my growth gaps and observing how other like-minded women business owners were closing theirs accelerated with every session.


Coaching with Pamella is an investment that will bring you your greatest return as a person, coach, and business owner. Not only is there an assured return for your business but for activating your empowered, authentic business owner presence."

GS - Life Transition Coach


"The value for me was unreal, sessions + Voxer group coaching + the resources: with all of this combined I felt fully supported, I did not expect the level of support in a group setting (compared to 1:1) I appreciated the response time in Voxer group chat and feeling safe to express and ask questions - took a huge leap of faith to be ready to share in a group but Pamella, you made this an area of growth and opportunity."

YA - Life Coach

"Some of the biggest takeaways for me were:

- this was my first group container, and being surrounded by the energy of like-minded women was everything. I loved every second of it.

- being able to not only observe my own responses to some of the questions in our calls but to also explore the experiences of these other women and learn from them has been invaluable.

- the collective support that came from being in a group setting in just invaluable.

- having you as a coach not just for me, but for other women as well and addressing their situations too helped me learn A LOT so thank you!!!"

SG - Sugar Addiction Coach


Join us:


Pay In Full


  • 18 week container
  • Weekly 90 minute live calls
  • Access to THRIVE online
  • Voxer Access working day
  • Facebook Group 

*Pricing correct 2023

4 Month Payment Plan

£625 per month

Total investment: £2,500

  • Everything you see in Pay in Full
  • 4 Payments, 30 days apart


 *Pricing correct 2023

Sign up to the waitlist to get first access and early bird discount.


Pay In Full


  • 18 week container
  • Weekly 90 minute live calls
  • Access to THRIVE online
  • Voxer Access working day
  • Facebook Group 


*Pricing for 2023

4 Month Payment Plan

£625 per month

Total investment: £2,500

  • Everything you see in Pay in Full
  • 4 Payments, 30 days apart


* Pricing for 2023


Sign up to the waitlist to get first access and early bird discount.